
Calling All 'Roos: It's Time For Skippy's Annual Merry HanuKwanzaa Favorite Holiday Kitsch Contest

Skippy of Skippy International (the best hopper in all of blogtopia - and yes, Skippy coined that phrase right after he magnanimously allowed ee cummings to use his patented "no caps" posting formula) invites one and all to participate in the 4th Annual Skippy Favorite Christmas Carols/Movies/TV Shows Extravaganza.

Least favorite entries are also cheerfully accepted (but never capitalized!).

Some of my all-time personal faves include:

"I'll Have a Blue Christmas Without Diebold"
"It's Lovely Weather For A Waterboard Rendition On You!"
"The Twelve Ways of (Legalized) Christmas Torture"
"Dubya, The Red-Nosed Drunkard"
"Poppy Bush Got Run Over By A Reindeer"
"I Saw Dick Cheney Shooting Santa Claus!"
Mark Foley's "Little Drummer Boy" (talk about par-rum-pa-pum-hummmmm!)
"How The Rove Stole Christmas"
"Over Afghanis And Into Iraq, It's On To Iran We Go" (beats "Over the River and Thru the Woods"!)
"Oh Come All Ye GOP Felons"
"Go Tell It On O'Reilly That George W. Christ Was Born!"
"I Saw Ken Mehlman Blowing Santa Claus"
"It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Impeachment, Everywhere Bush Goes"
"Have a Holly Jolly No Bid Contract"
"All I Want For Christmas Is My Billion Dollar Tax Cut"
"Rockin' Around The Prison Christmas Tree" (as sung by Tom DeLay, Bob Ney, Randy "Duke" Cunningham, and the Mark Foley All Soprano, All Underage Boys Choir)
"Happy Macaca Socka" (is the way to say a merry George Allen Christmas Day)
"What (Man)Child Is This?" (yet another Mark Foley tune)
"Tingle Balls" (sung by Jeff Gannon)
"We Can Hardly Stand the Wait, Please 2008 Don't Be Late!"
"Silver Bells, Prison Cells, It's Justice Time In The Country"

[Ed. note: Do you see what happens when she doesn't sleep? Just watch: Bill O'Reilly will be boycotting her next! Oh, the humanity. Uh... wait: we're discussing Bush-Rove Republicans; they have no humanity.]