
Martin Luther King Jr: "I Have A Dream!" I Do, Too. What Is Yours?

Happy Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday to you.

King had a dream, some of which he managed to see at least partially realized before he died so young in April 1968, scant months before Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (Bobby) would be assassinated as well.

I have dreams, too, and not all of them are individual to me.

For example, I dream of:

  • living to see a time when race, skin color, and even religion is truly color blind
  • living to see Americans take back their democracy rather than to continue to live in a United States so divided by politics and pandering
  • Americans capable of independent thought rather than adept at parroting back what they heard someone else tell them
  • returning to a time when corporations do NOT have more rights than an individual (even though it was only a mistaken interpretation by a court clerk that ever allowed corps to get the protections of an individual in the first place)
  • Americans developing an even greater hunger for knowledge than they have for silly TV shows, bad movies, and even worse chain store food
  • a time when the drug war ends because it has failed, as well as a time when people choose not to consume drugs as a "slip cover" for the pain in their lives
What is your dream?