
"Hello? Opposition Party? Yoohoo! Anyone Home?"

As Marc McDonald notes over at Beggars Can Be Choosers:

"Memo to Democrats: You Are No Longer Bush's Bitch!"

It would be heartening to see the Democrats act as their constituents indicated they should when these voters turned out in sufficient numbers for the November 7th (2006) mid-term elections to defeat even some of the most corrupted electronic voting machines, rather than continuing to work so pleasantly to make certain Mr. Bush does not have to frown.

Perhaps Joe Lieberman likes to be date raped (although I would think sodomy would be frowned upon by the most Orthodox of Hebrews as Joe-mentum claims to be) by the Bushies on a nightly basis, but some of us expect more from Nancy Pelosi and even Hillary Clinton.

[Ed. note: I am not trying to make a joke when I say that I keep waiting to read that Bush, ever the control freak (strange in such a lazy person), has sat down with Joe-mentum to tell Joe he really needs to "find religion" and become a born-again Christian. Bush, I'm quite certain, would not allow any wussy half measures such as becoming a member of Jews for Christ. Again, I am not joking. With this kind of crew in operation for more than six years now, I think they are quite capable of such a thing.]