
Bush: "I'm An Educator In Chief"? "I'm a Flexible And An Open-Minded Person"?

Excuse me?

This is how Bush described himself over the weekend. He also said the Iraqi people owe him a huge debt of gratitude.

I am completely speechless.

How deluded must one be to come up with that self-assessment when:

  • Bush listens to no one?
  • the American people have never spoke more clearly that they want out so Bush decides to send more troops in?
  • he apparently intends to provoke Iran and perhaps Syria into a war when we can't get the troops needed for Iraq?
  • he has created a situation in Iraq where more people have died in his so-called liberation than died under the tyrant Saddam Hussein?
  • even if there were not so many deaths - and well more than a million Iraqis have fled the violence - the instability, the Wild West mentality of American contractors who kill civilians with impugnity, and the lack of the most basic services like electricity that is often out for 15-20 hours per day in a huge city like Baghdad and adequate health care, and how it is impossible for Iraqi citizens to live any kind of life?
  • he continues to insist the Iraqi government operates separately from the Bush Administration (even though the U.S. still tells them what to do) and yet Cheney and Bush are both hinting loudly that they will replace the democratically-elected head of Iraq in favor of a better Bush puppet?
  • he tells the Iraqis to try Saddam & Company and then tells them what verdict they must reach and then manages to turn the executions of these people into such a nightmare that Iraqis responded with horror and anger when they didn't like Saddam either?
  • he told the incoming Democratic majority that they "better" be non-partisan and then told them exactly what they had to do as if the vote of the American people removing many of his flunkies from power was of no possible import?
I could go on for hours. And yet I am still aghast at these comments.