
It's An Entire Bush Administration of Treason: W. Stands For War Criminal

It's Treason (Pass It On). (Image at http://www.evilgopbastards.com)

You know, I'm just pissed enough after spending a few hours reviewing the screw-us-all measures the fucking GOP-heavy politicians pushed through just in case their flipping rigged voting machines STOP converting every other vote for a Democrat into a Republican vote that I am no longer interested in just impeaching the bastards we call president and vice president.

No, folks. We quite seriously NEED to weigh leveling TREASON.

And Bush is not the only traitor. The Bush administration and Christmas card and fat cat gift lists are replete with those who have actually engaged in acts of treason both against our nation and its people, and on a global sense, to the world.

We must consider his/their acts and manner of U.S. administration nothing less than treason. We must. To fail to do so would make US war criminals for what we allowed happen in Afghanistan and Iraq (and lots of places that do NOT fly on U.S. media radar). To fail to do so makes us ALL cowards rather than patriots.

Whether they would be convicted of treason is a whole other matter... at least, in a democracy. But Bush & Company haven't allowed any hint of a democracy since December 2000 and especially not after September 11th (9-11-01). Under the Bushies, of course, there could BE no fair hearing for people with these charges leveled upon us. With the dissolution of habeus corpus by the Bushies, we are ALL now prey.

If I were just angry, I would suggest that we keep the terrible Bushie rape of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights until the moment the last of the Bush Administration is convicted with no real trial and no real chance to defend itself. Following the Bush lead, we can send this Administration into "the void" since the Bushies have made "disappearing" people legal; to hold them without any of the protections afforded by laws never meant to protect only Americans (and then, only some Americans). Then we could just use the Bush Tribunal simple majority vote of just three judges (all of whom answer to the president which makes their decisions political more than law or constitutional) to pronounce execution for each. Finally, we'd kill 'em (and no wuss lethal injection; we'd make 'em suffer as they did to so many in Iraq, Afghanistan, and even here at home. And, since we successfully disappeared these fat fucks, who cares where we bury 'em in an unmarked grave.

But - Goddammit - we CANNOT act as the Bushies have gone or we will become what we most hate and fear. So we should charge them with treason and then give them ALL the legal protections afforded by our founding fathers. The end result, of course, won't be a sure thing. But that's what a trial is supposed to be: a weighing of innocence vs. guilt, extenuating factors vs. exculpatory.