
OK, Why Do Some Dems Want Howard Dean Out?

If you listen to the background noise since Tuesday's mid-term election, you can hear some wild things.

One is the oft-mentioned belief that the 11/7 vote indicates that voters are becoming far more conservative. Or, as Keith Olbermann just put in on Countdown on MSNBC: "So that's why Ken Mehlman is out at the RNC (Republican National Committee?"

The second is that there is a big push to replace Howard Dean as leader of the Democratic National Committee (which thankfully is a totally different critter from the Democratic Leadership Committee or, as I call them, "Ronald Reagan Dems" or "Trickle Down Your Leg Democracy").

You find this discussed in several places, but let me give you Odum's take at Green Mountain Daily:

Here's the picture: a powerful elite conclude that a specific political leader with a lot of resouces they see as potentially dangerous should be eliminated, and quietly make active plans to do so. When an event captures the public attention, this elite sees an opportunity to piggyback their agenda of regime change onto it and bully their constituency into supporting their plans.

Iraq? HA! You wish...

From The New Republic via MyDD:
    Some big name Democrats want to oust DNC Chairman Howard Dean, arguing that his stubborn commitment to the 50-state strategy and his stinginess with funds for House races cost the Democrats several pickup opportunities.

    The candidate being floated to replace Dean? Harold Ford.

    Says James Carville, one of the anti-Deaniacs, "Suppose Harold Ford became chairman of the DNC? How much more money do you think we could raise? Just think of the difference it could make in one day. Now probably Harold Ford wants to stay in Tennessee. I just appointed myself his campaign manager."
Where to begin? Now if you're like me, you may need a minute to pick up your jaw after reading this...and the comparison to Iraq, while cutesy, only goes so far. 9/11 WAS a disaster, and to make his point, Carville is trying to cast the recent election as a Democratic disaster - which is laughable on it's face.