
Jim Webb: Hardly The Chickenhawk So Many of The Republicans - Bush, Cheney, DeLay - Are

W. Patrick Lang talks about a big issue that Jim Webb, the apparent Democratic victor in Tuesday's Virginia senate race against incumbent George (Do bears macaca in the woods?) Allen, does not: Webb's own decorated combat service.

Lang - someone who has earned my respect over the years - also takes on the issue of how the neoconservatives like Perle, Doug Feith, Scooter Libby, and Paul Wolfowitz seem to be eating each other over the war failures in Iraq while macacaing uh.. shitting on the Bush Administration and Donald Rumsfeld. Here's a quote from Vanity Fair on this same issue:

    "Perle goes so far as to say that, if he had his time over, he would not have advocated an invasion of Iraq: "I think if I had been delphic, and had seen where we are today, and people had said, 'Should we go into Iraq?,' I think now I probably would have said, 'No, let's consider other strategies for dealing with the thing that concerns us most, which is Saddam supplying weapons of mass destruction to terrorists.' … I don't say that because I no longer believe that Saddam had the capability to produce weapons of mass destruction, or that he was not in contact with terrorists. I believe those two premises were both correct. Could we have managed that threat by means other than a direct military intervention? Well, maybe we could have."" Vanity Fair
Now here's a snip from Lang ("pitiful sect" indeed; read it all, I'd say).
The men interviewed in this article were among those who made the case for war with Iraq, occupation of the country and revolution in the Middle East.

Perle, as usual, is slippery and deceptive. He falsely implies here that he, and his chums, did not use every propaganda, information operations and rhetorical tool available to make the case that Iraq was a menace, a current menace, to the United States in both the field of WMD and as an active ally of the international jihadis.

Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, William Luti, Scooter Libby, Harold Rhode and the Wurmsers are all missing from among the interviewees here but should not be forgotten in the "reckoning."

They all played major roles in the catastrophes that have befallen us.
Revolutions typically devour their own. Danton and Robespierre played a high price for "riding the tiger" in the french Revolution. The neocon "revolution" has failed miserably when confronted by reality on the ground in Iraq. The failed neocon revolution has cost us dearly in death, mutilation, distorted lives, treasure and honor.

If the Democrats win control of the House they will have a solemn duty to see that these wretches and their foreign allies are dealt with appropriately and that their fantasist political sect is relegated to the obscurity that it deserves.

Wake up Republicans! These are people who have tricked and abused you.