
Bush to American Voters: "You Folks Retards or What?"

Well, that really does sound like what the "(p)resident" meant today at the press conference when he said (to paraphrase):

"I thought I made it pretty clear to America that a vote for a Democrat was for taxes and bad for homeland security. But apparently they just weren't smart enough to believe me. Not like I ever led 'em wrong or nothin'."

Gee, I think many in America did hear Bush on these points. They saw their taxes go up along with the complete obliteration of the Clinton-era surplus while Bush and Cheney could not cut taxes fast enough for billionaires and offer the largest ever corporate welfare system for Halliburton, UnoCal, Bechtel and others.

As for homeland security, we don't have any. Oh, yeah, we've spent more than half a trillion or so on huge, lucrative contracts for Bush friendly "defense" companies but only an American with the IQ of a gerbil - or a George Bush or Rick Santorum - would fail to realize:

  • while airports check nonogenarians (explanation for Bush: 90+ year olds) sneakers and hearing aids for bombs, there remains NO system in place to check the cargo going on those planes
  • the GOP keeps trying to sell U.S. port security to Al Qaeda's best friends
  • we'll make Americans and Canadians have passports to cross the northern border while anyone who decides to cruise into Miami from Cuba gets automatic citizenship with no background check; someday someone like Osama bin Laden is going to row up from Cuba in a '57 Chevy fitted with water wings
  • the Bush Administration has spent untold billions on a system that across the board has made us less safe at the same time putting in place policies that make the U.S. a more appealing target all the frickin' time
So, Mr. Bush, I agree that someone is a "stupe", but I think you might want to check out a mirror first. 'Nuff said.