
Yeah Right: Mr. Bush's "Appeal" For Non-Partisanship Lasted All of 3 Seconds Before He Started Pushing John Bolton Down Our Throats Again

I can actually find one vaguely complimentary thing to say about Bush - at least, if knowing that poison ivy will dependably drive many people nuts with itching or hemorrhoids can be relied upon to burn is a compliment. That is, Mr. Bush can be relied upon to push the worst stuff on us; he's consistent in that regard.

After his happy horseshit about wanting non-partisanship to rule Washington now that the Democrats have the majority when he practically told Dems to stay home because they were neither needed or wanted, Bush is now making one last push to make John Bolton the permanent U.N. ambassador.

Why he's doing it is clear: no way is Revoltin' Bolton gonna pass once the Dems take majority.

Yet it's not just Democrats who have real problems with Bolton; we've heard from plenty of people who worked with him who say he's a bully and a liar. And since Bush forced through his appointment during a break in Congress, no less than our "greatest allies" like Great Britain have complained that Bolton is the wrong man for the job. Bolton makes good diplomacy almost impossible because he feels it's his right as a Bushie to bully and demand and tell everyone else what to do.

Bolton, as you may remember, is pretty sure God and Kofi Annan died and left him boss.