
Rolling Eyes Ever Upward

Another terrorist alert for planes coming from Britain and France to the US, just like over Christmas. As you may recall, the European authorities all basically said the US security alert then was nonsense, that none of the leads panned out in any way (and a few alleged they were made up out of whole cloth on America's part), and just seemed to be a way to strong arm our air marshals onto their flights.

This must be why you can fly to London from NY for $99 right now. After all, the way to reward a staunch ally in the war on terror is to make people afraid to buy their products (including use their airlines). Rumor has it they didn't warn Mr. Blair (Mr. Bush's third puppy) that David Kay was about to say the Dictator Had No Clothes in regard to the WMD. From what I can tell, the WH won't be happy until the Brits hang Tony.

From the Karl Rove Management Seminar: The way to make your enemies really afraid of you is to show them how badly you treat your best allies.