
Bad, Bad, Bad in Baghdad

A single attack today has killed 47 people in Baghdad (and Jim Lehrer just said another 68 were killed in another Baghdad bombing with more than 200 additional Iraqis wounded), while US News & World Report brings us both President Bush's announcement that "we must win" in Iraq, as well as this:

The rocky course of the Iraq war is at another critical juncture, as U.S. and Iraqi troops try to stop a surge of violence. In frank interviews, the top commanders at the front assess the campaign and what must happen next. Read more »
As for Bush's pronouncement, hey:

a) He's welcome to send the Bush twins over; perhaps they can get the insurgents drunk and partying
b) I'd like to be 5'8 and maybe 10 years younger; it'll happen sooner, I suspect, than Bush winning in Iraq