
Is Another Recession Looming?

While Bush pretends to be working, I've been paying attention to various economic indicators which, while they don't promise a recession (or worse) is looming, certainly don't add up to the glorious fiscal picture Bush & Company say it does.

The job outlook is weak, unless you're just dying to have a minimum wage job (or three or four of them, as many do) with no benefits like health insurance. If a job does offer a retirement fund, good luck on trying to collect on it, given how freely the Bushies and their hand-picked judges have told companies they do not have to honor such agreements.

The American dollar isn't dropping QUITE as fast as it was, but it's not great either at the same time the federal government has raised interest rates pretty consistently, only taking one or two opportunities not to raise the prime rate.

The housing situation isn't good: sales of new homes as well as existing ones isn't exactly robust. Plus mortgage defaults and bankruptcies are much, much higher than previous rates.