
Thanks to Ezra Klein

at Pandagon for referring me to William Saletan's analysis of The Big Bush Interview with Tim Russert today on Slate.

My favorite part is this because it is so apt:

    That's the Bush syllogism: The evidence says one thing; the conclusion says another; therefore, the evidence is false.

For more than 3 years now, that's how life has been - a non-stop cycle of this kind of logic.
    * Economic disaster is really boom times.
    * Corporations are wonderful (I don't believe they're naturally Satan either but what's good for corporate America is usually bad for human America).
    * Our President is God's chosen one.
    * We love everyone who isn't a terrorist (and we'd love them more if they converted to Jerry Falwell's or Pat Robertson's religion).
    * Everyone who isn't a red suit or tie wearing Republican nut case is potential terrorist.
    * The best way to protect our freedom is to give it all up to Mr. Ashcroft.
    * The president deserves the Nobel peace prize for making non-stop war while Jimmy Carter doesn't deserve it for trying to effect peace.
    * We love our GIs and veterans and that's why we're underfunding them and cutting existing funds for their health care, their children's education
    * We don't need a draft but we aren't letting GIs end their service at their scheduled time
    * Global warming is good for you just like self-regulated industrial pollution helps the environment (Clear skies mean clearly toxic skies).
    * We (grudgingly) need a complete investigation into something, so let the president order up a panel made of questionable choices and then hamstring them so they can't investigate
    * It's bad for women to abort fetuses but it's FINE if you execute someone who committed a murder as a child.

It amazes me more heads haven't exploded. I've got to assume the statistic for mental illness rates is sky-high.