
Bush "Military" Records - Yet Again

USA Today has a report that highlights the comments of Lt. Col. Bill Burkett mentioned here (from Dallas Morning News) yesterday.

Meanwhile, the Boston Globe would like to know why Bush being pulled from flight duty did not spur the usual investigation.

While at the WH, they release Mr. Bush's dental records from 1972-73 as proof of his great service to his country. Who knew a picture of a molar was soooo informative? I guess forensics have come a long way baby.

Again, however, I suspect Mr. Bush would have continued to get a pass on all of this - 30 year old military records and why he was in the Guard rather than in Vietnam - if only he hadn't kept raising the issue himself (donning the flight suit, donning the CiC jackets, talking about his service).

I would argue against Scott McClellan's assertions that this is engaging in gutter politics. In fact, I don't think the Dems had a damned thing to do with it. Mr. Bush is responsible for this, and so are his handlers. Everytime the press wanted to beat down anyone - like Michael Moore, like Terry McAuliffe - who spoke out against it, the pressure inside the drum increased.

BTW, two of the best sources on this material are Kevin Drum's CalPundit - for deep background - and Josh Marshall's Talking Points Memo for current color assessment. Both men are doing an exemplary job here.

And hey, even the WH press corps is actually doing something of their job for a change rather than salivating at Mr. Bush's every utterance like it's the gospel from the mount.