
It's Just Sad When People Aspire to Be a Rush or an O'Reilly (Bill, Not the Great Publishing Company)

So now some of the nutjobs are coming after me as someone who "wants Terri Schiavo dead". That I expect from them. I also was not surprised that they missed little points like the fact that I've had to deal with this within my own family and regarding my own life, that I've stated ad nauseum that this isn't a decision for any of us to make except for her guardian, or how I'm not sure I could be as brave as her husband in doing what he feels she would want.

Of course, they don't mention how saddened I am that the 6-month-old Texas baby - a poor, black child - was disconnected from his feeding tube because of a law our president actively endorsed and signed allowing health care facilities to terminate support services against a family's will based solely on financial considerations.

This child's story is nothing more than an inconvenient fact to these wacky wingtips and we know what Rabid Wrongies do with inconvenient facts; they ignore them or spin them faster than a top (or Jenna Bush on Cuervo on a bar stool). Hate makes their world go round and it just kills 'em that we won't join the kool-aid lynch mob.

The only thing I didn't suspect that even they would have the audacity to allege is that they are "reality based" in their thinking.

Fine. Let 'em fill my mailbox and lie about me elsewhere. As long as they're boring the hell out of me, they aren't stealing guns to try to kill the judges, sending their 10-year-olds to storm the hospice with food to try to force-feed a woman for whom a simple bite of food would be fatal, and trying to incite others to harm Mrs. Schiavo's husband.