
Apparently Hoping Armed Teachers Will Shoot Students Who Won't Say the Pledge...

"ChristianLibrul" at Not in My Bible points us to this story and notes:

The NRA's Veep wants to arm teachers. How many teachers did you know whom you'd have wanted to be armed? I taught high school for 26 years, and I knew maybe half a dozen besides myself.

Not that such a ludicrous idea has a snowball's chance in hell. We all know this is purely a fundraising pitch for her nutjob members who think guns can solve any problem.

For the record, I'm a veteran and a recreational shooter (not a hunter). But I reiterate, this woman is an idiot.
I've heard them suggest teachers not only should be armed, but that it must be a requirement that they pack heat. Geez, and I didn't even like the ruler the nuns used.

As I've stated here many times before, I hate guns but I'm not a believer in outlawing them everywhere. Outlawing things seems to have this bizarre effect of making more people want whatever it is.

What I'd like is for us all to come to a decision as a society not to have them. But I'm not expecting that to happen any decade real soon. Since 2000 and 2001 especially, our humanity has regressed by leaps and bounds (it reminds me strangely out of the old joke, "insanity doesn't run in; it gallops!").

I would not only agree with "Christian" that the woman is an idiot, I'll take it one step further: I think this is the worst idea I've heard in at least four years (and that's something considering the Bushies are in power).