
The Nerve of the Red Cross

Atrios sums it up nicely (and yes, the header is sarcastic):

Drudge is all excited because apparently the Red Cross says we should charge Saddam with something or let him go.

What do they think we are? A nation of laws?
Trust me, it's not out of any sympathy for Saddam (whom Reagan supported, please remember). But we've been playing fast and loo-oo-oo-oo-se with every law imaginable. Remember, too, that while you're cursing the Red Cross for this outrage, they're there protecting our soldiers' and detainees' interests as well.

Today, there was even some hedging on the Sunday talk show circuit as to whether we'd hand Saddam over to the "new" Iraqi government. I understand that the US wants assurances that Saddam won't just be let go, but Saddam's principle ill behavior was against his own people. Shouldn't they try him?