
"Who Else Can We Bury?" "Can We Put Them in Dick Cheney's Secret Bunker?"

The cynic in me wonders who, in the wake of the slight bounce in approval Mr.Bush is enjoying after the week-long Reagan love-in, the GOP would like to see die in order to increase Mr. Bush's bounce.

Probably not Poppy, because Poppy isn't that well liked among the American people (still, not enough blame him for giving us George). Besides, they could have rigged his parachute not to open last weekend if they were that desperate.

They can't touch Gerald Ford because few people remember him. I, however, have come to respect former Pres. Ford immensely in recent years. He's a very moderate Republican and a much better mind than the old jokes give him credit for.

Henry Kissinger? Nah. Too tainted.