
Rough Voting Come November

Surprise, surprise, surprise! Florida has announced that its voting machines have a problem that may very well preclude any kind of manual recount in key counties that drew so much contest and controversy during the 2000 political election.

Now, I'm just absolutely as positive as I can be that this in NO WAY except sheer coincidence has anything to do with the fact that the president's brother is the governor of Florida, that Jeb supposedly was NOT invited to Thanksgiving 2000 dinner with the Bush clan for his fuckup in not delivering Florida in as smooth a steal as the Bush people wanted, or that George's failure in November could spell a harder time for Jeb and his platinum spoon.

Remember, too, Jeb's already ordered another purging of voter roles for anyone who even sounds like the name of a convicted felon. And also remember that Florida is fighting CNN and probably other news agencies who want access to determine exactly who is getting purged.

Finally, Salon reports that the League of Women Voters have withdrawn their support of paperless voting machines. Good for them. I suspect, sadly, however that among fervent Bush supporters, there are more than a few knuckle-draggers who feel that women shouldn't be allowed to vote anyway, who would love to see a return to a system that allowed only white males who owned considerable property to cast votes. Hell, look at the Texas GOP platform and it's practically a throwback to five decades ago.