
The New GOP: Do As We Want and Not as We Did to Clinton

As half expected, the right is up in arms about Valerie Plame's - joined by husband, former Ambassador Joe Wilson - intent to sue Dick Cheney, Karl Rover, and Scooter Libby for outing her, thus ending her active covert CIA operative career (not to mention endangering other field operatives and their network of informants and helpers).

What I found interesting was the usual double standard both the old and new GOP always want applied (and if the GOP stands for nothing else, it's double standards: as in, "the rules always apply to you, but NEVER, EVER to me!"). To whit, one of their big gripes today is that Plame has "some nerve" suing Cheney and Rove when they are so busy doing the people's business.

Cough. Gee, where have I heard that before. Oh wait. I remember. We heard it from Clinton - and rightly so - back in the Paula Jones lawsuit. And the Supreme Court ruled unanimously that a sitting president could indeed be sued. The GOP was real fine with that. Righteously indignantly fine, in fact.

But now we're supposed to believe that Bunker Boy Cheney is just too busy to be bothered with a lawsuit. Too busy doing what? Promoting torture, outing CIA operatives in an act of treason, and threatening everyone he doesn't like, not to mention shooting people "in error"? And Rove? Gee, I don't remember electing him to do diddly.. which is all he really does besides collect the taxpayers' money for committing mayhem in the name of the GOP.