
As Promised, Bush Flips the Bird to Science and Stem Cells in Another Snowflake Baby Snow Job

Once again, Mr. Bush has proven that he's afraid of science, that he'll cost untold human lives and suffering in order to pander to his myopic and hateful base, that even the earliest single celled embryo matters MORE to him than fully cooked humans, and that he doesn't give one rat's ass about the will of the majority of the American people. He wrapped this all up today in his first ever veto, that of the Senate's bill to expand funding for stem cell research the president aborted (ah, there's a word) in September 2001, along with a massive photo op of his precious Snowflake Babies (the ones you literally must be a conservative white Christian American - and probably a registered Republican who donates money to Bushies) to adopt.

Here are some related links to peruse:

Karl Rove lies (oh my! he never does that!) about stem cell research.

Most scientists refute the Bush lies about stem cell research.

From the Houston Chronicle: "Please keep your religion away from my stem cells!"