
ProLife vs ProChoice: Is There a Third Position

Karlo at SwerveLeft takes on this topic deftly. I happen to agree on most of his points.

For example, I would like any other method of birth control used over an abortion. Except during these really odd Bush years, where frozen "snowflake baby" embryos have more rights than a fully cooked adult woman, there was a chance these last few decades for a woman not to initiate a pregnancy because various other options were open to her. Stats tell us that educated women with access to dependable, regular medical care are much less apt to have a pregnancy they did not expect.

For me though the answer is not to rescind Roe vs. Wade (Karlo does not suggest we should, btw - but I've seen some who have argued this besides strictly ProLife types). Just because I feel that abortions should be few in number because only the women who want to be pregnant indeed get pregnant does not give me the right to make laws that decide whether a woman must carry an unplanned, unwanted fetus to term.

Just like I don't like home schooling parents to exclusively teach their children about only intelligent design while not raising evolution but I don't want a law that says people can't teach intelligent design - they just can't do it on my tax dollar.