
It's Past Time for Karl Rove to Go

No man has ever been so mean-spirited, so partisan or run the country so carefully and completely into the dumpster from behind the shield of the presidency as Karl Rove, college dropout and "Bush's brain".

I am less angered by his completely inaccurate portrayal of Dems - who were more than happy to join with the Repugnantkins in bombing the hell out of Afghanistan and Iraq with few questions asked after 9/11 than I am with his attempts to make the Downing Street Memo into yet another political football of his. This is the man who has been behind every nasty, deadending, miserable thing in Washington, DC these last 5+ years, behind forcing Bush down our throats through rigged elections, through proving Bush has testacles by killing more than 1700 of our soldiers and tens if not thousands of Iraqis and Afghans, through "Mission Accomplished" and turning the horror of 9/11 into sound bytes and images for his own evil purposes.

Almost most egregious of all, we pay this asshole's salary. I want him GONE. Frog-marched out of the White House would be nice - after all, it's clear Rove was behind the outing of Plame and so much of the other shit that has gone on.

Read this from his appearance on "Hardball" Wednesday night where Mr. No-Chin-All-Blubber appeared with David Gregory substituting for Chris Matthews (whose absense is NEVER a loss):

GREGORY: As you well know, critics of this war have seized on what’s being called now the Downing Street Memo, based on meetings that Britain’s Chief of Intelligence had with American officials about the war. One issue that comes up in that memo and subsequent memos is British concerns about the fact that the White House in their view wasn’t adequately thinking about what happens after the regime falls.

ROVE: I'm glad you brought that up because I want to put that in context. First of all that is the British — a Brit making a comment about what he perceived to be U.S. policy. But remember the time frame, it is months and months and months before the balloon goes up in Iraq. And in those intervening months there was plenty of time planning for post-war efforts, vast amounts of planning. You never know exactly how a war is going to plan out. Napoleon once said, 'vast numbers of refugees enormous problems with food aid'- did not happen. Vast uprising- didn't happen. That we would see a vast uprising by hundreds of thousands of Iraqis- didn’t happen. War is ugly, but a lot went very well with this effort and in part it was because the United States government and our coalition partners used the months to plan for any eventuality.

GREGORY: But if you're talking about the number of troops necessary, the level of American casualties, the force and intensity of the insurgency…did the president mislead the American people about the cost of the war or was he just simply surprised by what happened?

ROVE: I would go back to the president’s statements over the last several years and I would defy you to find one speech which he talked about Iraq where he doesn’t say there would be difficult times ahead, that we had a long road to hope that a great deal of sacrifice was going to be called for by both the American people and by the Iraqis to achieve this goal. Look, we do not underestimate the ferocity and the anger and the viciousness of the people that we face. We are in a war. Some people may treat it as a law enforcement matter and be worried about indictments from the U.S. attorney from the southern district of New York. But we recognize this administration and the American people we are in a war and the only way you have a successful outcome in the war is to aim for a complete and total victory, which is exactly what we’re doing.
The emphasized part is pure bullshit. Remember cakewalk? Remember they'll greet us with flowers as their saviors? They're just rewriting history YET again.

From Shakespeare's Sister on the subject:
Clearly, he used questions about the Downing Street Documents to set himself up for his comments made in a speech Wednesday night:

"Liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers," Rove said Wednesday night. "Conservatives saw the savagery of 9/11 and the attacks and prepared for war."

Today, the RNC issued talking points in support of Rove’s statement, in addition to an attack ad against Dick Durbin based on his Gitmo comments.

We need to get on this big time, because this is their defensive play—deflect all interest in the Downing Street Documents by some controversy and forcing the Dems (and liberals of all stripes) to defend themselves…again.
Oh, Rove and Cheney's vile stench is ALL over this crap.