
Horse Hockey, Gitmo Style

I missed the name of the ranking military person who called CNN today to give his "rebuttal" of all the reports of bad treatment at Gitmo, but his basic line was, "Gitmo is wonderful. The prisoners just love it here except those who throw urine and feces. Nobody has ever done anything mean to these prisoners. We had the same meal there that the prisoners had and it was wonderful. The media lies whenever it says there are abuses at Gitmo."

Say what?

This fellow goes down there on a tour facilitated by the White House and the DoD to see exactly that Mr. Bush and Mr. Rumsfelt wanted him to see. For all I know, this military person is under contract to Halliburton - CNN doesn't tend to disclose these things, like when Bill Schneider makes fun of a Dem that he's a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. Just as Mr. Bush encouraged journalists "to go there and see for yourselves", they're only going to get the permitted tour.

This proves nothing. Zip. Zero.

That no one is permitted to see anything that isn't on the official tour may indicate something right there.