
Congress: Pentagon is Pushing Reserves Past Breaking Point

Gosh. Did they just realize this? We've been hearing this since before we attacked Afghanistan, when we were calling up reserves and the guards to watch the airports.

Imagine what the unemployment rate will look like when a lot of these folks return to this country, their medical needs unpaid for, no longer welcome in the jobs or businesses they left? And considering what they've been through, even if they have an intact family, employment, and physical health, what about the mental adjustment?

I know, I know. I'm just a bleeding heart liberal. As Rep. David Drier (Oink, California) said the other night on Hardball, "These people made their choice. They have to stand by it."

Or as I'd say it, "Mr. Bush made this choice, now everyone else including these people must struggle to meet it while Mr. Bush campaigns and vacations."

Does anyone ask the question, "What happens if we get involved in a legitimate war at some point, after expending everything we have on two questionable ones? Who will fight that one? Denny Hastert and Rush Limbaugh?"