
In His WaPo OpEd, "Surveillance We Can Live With", Arlen Specter Proves He is a "Leader" We Can and Should Live Without!

Read it and tell me this man isn't trying to excuse his complete and utter betrayal of the American people and the U.S. Constitution in the name of appeasing this power-mad, no-responsibility Bush Administration. Specter says forget your privacy, forget the supposed checks and balances afforded by the FISA courts and laws that prevent the president and/or NSA from surveillance for no good reason, and forget the constitution and Bill of Rights.

Arlen Specter should not simply be horrendously ashamed; he should tender his resignation immediately. This is the act of - if NOT a traitor (and I think he is that) - a coward of monumental proportions. He should be removed from his chairmanship of the Senate Judiciary Committee and, IMHO, removed from the Senate altogether. The latter is for the voters of Pennsylvania to decide. I hope they remember it when he comes up for re-election.