
An Answer to Diana M. Daniels "A Letter to Hugo Chavez" in WaPo

Dear Ms. Daniels:

I read with interest your letter to Venezualan leader Hugo Chavez. As I did, I couldn't help but notice that some of the same complaints you infer about Chavez certainly fit the Bush Administration and Bush himself like a glove!

Mind you, I'm no fan of Chavez. I have read of many positive things he has done yet I am also deeply troubled by others. While those I know who have visited Venezuela speak highly of the services available to the poor and I know Chavez certainly helped some of the Northeast through a winter of brutal heating prices, I can't quite bring myself to "buy" the packaging.

You write of temper tantrums by Mr. Chavez. How about those of Mr. Bush? His temper tantrums can torment the entire world.

Lip service to democracy? Yoohoo! Have you seen the folks in the White House? They've jeopardized the veracity of voting, they talk "freedom" while threatening the press for doing any type of investigative journalism, and they mention how our soldiers fight for freedom while they take every possible dollar, good, or service away from them.

As for representing the will of the people, I remind you that everytime a majority of the public voices an opinion opposed to him, Mr. Bush calls them "focus groups" or says, "I'm the decider and you're not".

Be careful about those stones with glass houses, Ma'am.


Katharine Chase