
Please Read: On This Independence Day Weekend

The media is completely awash with coverage of finding the 8-year-old girl missing from a multiple murder in Idaho six weeks ago.

But - as happy as I am that the little girl has been found alive and well - there are much more important things to consider.

My family - both on the Native American and English sides - was here when the United States was founded. My ancestors fought and died, served in early government, watched for Tory attacks, and one served in the first Contintental Congress. So you could say I have a vested interest in keeping that legacy alive - but more than the legacy: the actual intent and vision of this nation's founders who were marvelously insightful in how government and religion could corrupt.

Yet I don't think I have a concession here. Whether you arrived here in this country yourself as a child, or whether your parents were first, second, or fifth generation in calling America home, you too have a vested interest in protecting what our founders designed.

The Bush Administration isn't new in subverting the democracy the founders laid out, but they've been - BY FAR - the most vicious and aggressive corrupters. Yet, even if you don't dislike the Bushies, you likely hate what they've done.

On this Independence Day, I ask you to stop and think about what's being done to take one-person-one-vote away from the people. To consider how much liberty has been taken away from us in the guise of non-working "homeland security". To deliberate on what it means for us to be forcing "Christian nation" status on America when our founders knew that this would be used against rather than for the people - and to understand how "Christian" as its being used today is a very limited term: you must be fundamentalist Christian and you must practice extreme intolerance toward everyone else to fit.

Even more importantly, I'd like you to engage in a dialog with yourself and others about whether this president's lies, distortions, and actions meet the criteria for "high crimes and misdemeanors" and whether it is time for the people to demand a full inquiry into Downing Street and to begin impeachment proceedings against NOT JUST Mr. Bush, but his ENTIRE administration.

I'm not telling you to believe me when I say I think Mr. Bush's actions should have removed him from office years ago, despite the outcome of another cooked election in 2004. Instead, I'm asking you to do your own research, search your own mind and soul, talk with your friends and family members, and reach your own conclusions. If you find, like me, that Mr. Bush has committed high crimes, then you have the responsibility given to all of us 229 years ago by our founders to demand an inquiry and impeachment proceedings.