
MSNBC: 78% of Voters Disagree with Bush That the Sacrifices Have Been Worth it

Yet the media persists in saying only Democrats disagree with the president. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

Last night, I had to make a run down to the general store (yes, we have those in Vermont) to get some popsicles for a sore throat. As I stood in line, a few young men came in and began talking to the woman behind me. Two of them said they were home for a few days just before they ship out to Baghdad.

I wheeled around, my mouth open. There was so much I wanted to say. But, not convinced I had any right to intrude on their gungho attidude, I held my tongue. Neither fellow seemed older than 19 or so. When the woman asked if they were going to listen to Bush's speech on Iraq at 8 PM, both laughed and said, "hell, no."

I've been regretting my silence ever since.

What would I have said? Well, I might have offered to drive them to Canada. Or I might have offered - as I've done with others - to check in on their families while they're deployed. But I wanted to tell them not to go.