
Laura Bush, Just Soooooo Funny

The press fell all over themselves praising Laura Bush for her great wit (they also like her half-wit, George) at some appearance last night. But for some reason, I didn't find it too funny. Maybe it was because she and hubby keep giving us all these pleasant spins on Iraq when so many people have lost their lives there in the last few days - not to mention the last few years. Somehow, I don't quite see the humor in having to wonder if the number of deaths caused by the U.S. action there, along with the atrocities, have surpassed the number of people who died under the evil dictator, Saddam Hussein, and his two miserable sons.

But even if you excuse George, Iraq (harder to swallow), and the Trollop Twins who single-handedly are out to prove what great results you get when you have such Godly parents, just the little bit Mrs. Bush did about "Desperate Housewives" turned my stomach. As the ratings keep telling us, shows like "Desperate Housewives" and the women who apparently will bed just about anything with a pulse are a hit chiefly in those "God-fearing and we'll tell you what's good morals" red states. You know, the same people us "Godless, America-destroying liberals" are supposed to treat as our moral superiors. In blue states and homes, the witches of Wisteria Lane aren't quite the ratings grabbers.

Nor does it strike me particularly ha-ha that these great arbitors of religion and "good clean living" types hasten to make PBS into a mindless cesspool and censor cable TV because "they don't adhere to perfect Christian values" - my God, they even mentioned "evolution" on PBS last week so watch their budget get hit even harder - but they love the swill on soap operas and "Desperate Housewives."

But then, Laura's never exactly been a housewife. Oh, no, it's not because she's a teacher and a librarian. In fact, she worked just a couple of years at that, and listening to her speech, one worries about the quality of those she taught. She likes to say she decided to leave her work to be a mother to her twins. Of course, about four or five years passed from leaving that job to actually having the twins. And from what we've seen of the twins, they spent way too much time with their dimwit parents and not exactly reading from the Bible. Or they were sitting there watching quality programming like "Desperate Housewives" because the very non-liberal Daily News and Post have reported many times about how the twins like to dance simulating sex acts while totally shit-faced in bars and parts in Godless New York.

Perhaps Laura will give us all a big laugh and enlist the twins in Iraq. Now that will be a hoot. Especially when we remember that the twins often run up bar tabs of several thousand a night - far more than the president wants to let the feds spend to educate your child for a year.

Pretty righteously ha-ha, huh?