
Conservatives Bash Conservatives Who Bash First Lulu's "Comedy" Routine

Oh, good. They're beginning to eat one another. Perhaps they'll all spontaneously combust and leave the rest of us alone.

From the Swift Report:

A conservative Christian organization that lashed out at the First Lady's weekend comedy routine is lashing out again—this time at critics who claim that the group's Bible-based panning of Mrs. Bush's jokes and one-liners was itself a joke.

The Coalition for Traditional Values (CTV) made headlines yesterday when a story appeared on the popular conservative Weblog, the Swift Report. In the story, which was picked up by the Drudge Report, Rush Limbaugh, and other media outlets, CTV chairman Pastor Roy DeLong criticized the First Lady for making jokes that mocked the traditional family structure and publicly undermined her husband at a time when President Bush's masculinity is increasingly under attack.

But hours after the story appeared, a rival group called the Traditional Values Coalition (TVC) came forward with its own version of events. Late yesterday, TVC released a statement in which it claimed that CTV's criticism of the First Lady's Performance is part of a systematic effort to undermine its own work. According to TVC Chairman Rev. Louis P. Sheldon, "Our computers have seen more viruses than a pediatrician's office. Today's phony press release is just the latest dirty trick aimed at discrediting our efforts on behalf of America's churches."
Courtesy of Buzzflash.

And who's attacking the president's masculinity and does it involve pruning shears?