
The President's "Rush" on the Energy Bill: Same Energy Turkey Cooked by Enron and Company

Suddenly, the president remembered the controversial energy policy that Dick Cheney (now talk about a fox guarding the chicken coop) had worked out with Ken Lay (you remember Ken Lay, right? The Enron exec who hasn't done a lick of jail after bankrupting lots of people about to retire although the world has been made safe from the Doyenne of Croissants, Martha Stewart) and other big energy/fuel companies that blew into quite a brouhaha because it was discovered that Enron and company basically cooked up an energy scheme that would hurt consumers and smaller businesses. The scandal wasn't that a Ken Lay and company would want to cook up such a policy but that the "president" of the people had allowed it. Remember, these same companies and the people in them helped put Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney in office with MASSIVE donations.

Then there was the controversy that Cheney wasn't going to allow anyone to see who actually cooked up the formula that unquestionably will screw us right into a light socket (heh). We still haven't seen those papers and it's unlikely we will.

But during the election cycle, Karl Rove decided to shelve this sucker for a bit. But now the election is over, we're stuck with four more awful years, and suddenly, the president Saturday started talking about his energy policy again. Then Monday, Mr. Bush (who doesn't read newspapers or watch TV or use any of the Internets (smirk)) noticed fuel prices were high. You know, the same thing you noticed a few years ago... and then noticed how much higher they got after we went into Iraq when this Administration made it clear without saying it out loud that ::wink::wink:: we'd have low fuel prices after we liberated Iraq from their oil fields.

Don't be fooled. This is the same energy policy that Dick Cheney and Ken Lay laid out while Enron was deliberately jerking California's power availability - and then laughing about all the stupid old retirees suddenly paying $500 a month for lights that we heard documented ad nauseum in Enron tapes.

We know how Enron felt about consumers and energy in the Summer of 2001. And that's the time frame in which this energy policy was drafted.

Can you even begin to comprehend how bad it will be for us if this turkey gets served up? It doesn't matter which side of the political spectrum you're on because you really CAN'T fail to notice that whenever Ma and Pa America's interests come up against an Enron, a Unocal, or a Halliburton, Ma and Pa get schtupped in a way not supposedly condone by most Southern states (ah, that Sodomy word).

Start saying NO to this president. Start calling your Congress critters, calling OTHER state's Congress critters and telling them we need an energy policy that a) is realistic for consumers but b) also begins to address that fossil fuels won't be around all that much longer (dinosaurs haven't died lately as we can see from Rumsfeld's continued tenure at DoD).

No politician who has America's best interests in mind should be promoting ANYTHING which fails to take into account that we're beginning to run out of fossil fuels at a time when world wide demand has never been higher. Building bigger SUVs and increasing coal burning isn't really going to help that, and that's what the Bush Admin has offered us so far (and with a Capitol Hill chuck full of people who worked in the energy industry BEFORE Mr. Bush took office and will go back to that industry when the Bush Administration is over.

Look at the gas prices, look at your home heating/cooling costs and ask yourself if you're willing to just let Mr. Bush fly this turkey. The answer should be no.