
Connecticut Governor Just Signed Same Sex Civil Union Bill

No doubt, we'll hear more about this latter today. Even less doubt: I'm sure Rick Santorum will be on presenting his fear that this opens everything up to men and dogs having intercourse while Bill O'Reilly will raise the spectacle of goats entering into holy matrimony.

I don't know. I've lived in a state that allows civil unions among same sex couples for more than four years and really, we don't seem to see a lot of bestiality. At least, the local paper doesn't mention this as a big problem.

We did have a guy with goats who felt the goats should live inside his house with him but to my knowledge, he was merely friends and caretaker to the goats and not living in a polygamous relationship with them. I suspect bestiality occurs more in the minds of men like Santorum and O'Reilly than in the reality of most everyone else. This might tell you something about their minds. (Well, that, and O'Reilly's documented "kinkiness" with loofahs and falafels and "marital aids". Hint to Bill: maybe you should use the marital aids within your own marriage to limit your liability with single women working around you.)