Does Anyone Like John Bolton?
The rest of the world is stunned at some of Bush's most recent appointments like Paul ("Iraq will pay for itself many times over") Wolfowitz at the World Bank and Condi ("First I make a really mean face at you and then I tell My President he can drop bombs on you - that's my style of diplomacy") Rice.
But the promotion of John Bolton to the U.N. struck some as even more arrogant, even more "if you put this in a novel, no one believe it", and even more in-your-face-fuck-you-and-your-French-mother-too. Even Old Europe - nor Vermont! - could not quite conceive that Bush had this strange little piece of sodomy-done-up-as-bangup-American-diplomacy-and-good-will in him that he'd be willing to play in primetime.
Yet I also notice that last time I looked at the CNN poll asking if Bolton was the right choice for the U.N., about 80% were screaming Noooooo!
BTW, I swear that either a third world country or Ken Lay is hiding in Bolton's moustache.