
More Iraq, Al Qaeda "Tie" Lies

Speaking of the erudite Diana, she posts two stories from al Jazeera that have gotten little (but not zero) attention here: that the CIA has completely debunked the al Zarqari - Saddam link (on the heels of the disclosure that although the Bushies have blamed al Zarqawi as the great mastermind, the one behind all the "Islamic" beheadings and the insurgency, he may just be our newest scapegoat) and that Donald Strangelove Rumsfeld is not saying he didn't understand the question when he said there were no real ties between Iraq and al Qaeda. Do you know how many times he's been back and forth on this?

But then, the Bushies and the far right have learned that their lies pay big dividends and that we won't hold them accountable even when the depth of the lies are discovered. The media won't pay attention to them. Keep giving them a free ride, folks.