No Truth to Linda Ronstadt Rumor
A couple of people dropped me notes asking if it's true Linda will be singing Blue Bayou at the Dem National Convention.
I doubt there's a shred of truth in it. The Dems, so eager not to be hated, have distanced themselves from Whoopie Goldberg (who was part of a benefit on their behalf) and Michael Moore, whose "Fahrenheit 911" is NOT a Kerry-backing film. I'm glad Michael made the film about what did and did not happen related to 9-11 and Iraq rather than turning it into a Dem love affair.
Politics really should be separate from the events of 9-11 and the actions taken in its aftermath. That they aren't is actually quite criminal and devastating for both us and the rest of the world.
In my case, I am not a Democrat.
I just cannot inflict Mr. Bush on my country or the rest of the world for another term if I can do anything to stop it (and by anything, I mean write letters, do support stuff, and vote).
Mr. Kerry is not my first choice to replace Mr. Bush but it's who we have and I'll support his candidacy while I also continue to urge the Democrats to be more than Republicans Lite. I think the Republicans should be the ones to drag their party back to centrist sanity rather than moving the Democratic Party to 1976-level GOP centrism.
I am not, however, in the Anybody But Bush camp. I may often write that I'd vote for horse dung over Mr. Bush, but in reality, there are a great number of people - Republican, Democrat, and Other - who I would not vote into office over Mr. Bush.