
What Global Warming?

For something not "proven" to the satisfaction of those great scientific minds in the GOP (Greedy Overbearing Pigs)... here's this:

Greenland’s icecap “is melting faster than ever before on record, and the pace is speeding year by year,” new data shows. “The consequence is already evident in a small but ominous rise in sea levels around the world, a pace that is also accelerating.”
And to follow this up, after starting the week with hot and humid conditions here in North Central Vermont, it was rather chilly today and - still within the official "dog days of summer" and before the first half of August is spent - the weather forecast for tonight is mid-to-low 30s with the possibility of a four letter word (s-n-o-w) in the higher elevations (and we're in such elevations here).

Wow. Perhaps I can build a Labor Day snowman. ::choke::