
Buzzflash Is Also Less Than Terrified With New Terror Plot

From the Buzzflash Crew who reminds us: "I Want Them to Know That They Need Us," Said the Tyrannical Orwellian Ruler in "V for Vendetta." Ditto for Cheney and Bush.

The pattern continues. A terrorist plot is uncovered just as the masses start to question national security strategy.

The day after Senate Democrats brought a vote to pull out of Iraq, we catch a few idiots in Miami who were supposedly trying to blow up the Sears Tower, despite the fact that they lacked the means and ability to do so. Then there were the guys busted for supposedly plotting to blow up a New York subway exactly a year after the London bus bombings. And don't forget the release of new Osama bin Laden tapes just before the 2004 election as well as the very day after the Supreme Court decision striking down the Guantanamo Bay military tribunals. And now today, a few men in England were arrested for a plan to blow up planes flying to America, just a day after Connecticut voters flatly rejected Joe Lieberman and the war in Iraq.

We certainly can't deny that there may have indeed been plans to commit these acts. But the timings of the arrest announcements are awfully suspicious. All three were still in the works and had been monitored for several months by very capable intelligence agencies. While the exact nature of today's arrests is still unclear, none of the plans seemed to have been immediate or imminent threats. The decision of when to intervene has been arbitrary, making the coincidental timings pretty convenient.

(And the question of whether some of them are "real threats," such as the Liberty City "Insane Clown Posse" remain to be seen. And, of course, as BuzzFlash pointed out in several commentaries, the alleged plot to bomb tunnels into Manhattan in order to "flood the financial district and ruin the Wall Street economy" had one fatal flaw. Water does not flow upwards, and since Manhattan is above sea level, the plan, as the Busheviks promoted it through the press, was impossible. It defied the laws of gravity.)