
Speaking of the War Forgotten Today

And no, I am not referring to Iraq, which is in terrible, terrible shape indeed with a suicide bomber killing so many.

How many of you are aware that Israel launched the worst ecological disaster in modern history when it blew up a power plant in Lebanon? It's rather hard to do a massive cleanup operation there, too, what with Israel cluster bombing (and cluster fucking) everything in sight. And notice that the death toll in Lebanon among civilians is hiding more and more each day.

Today, Israel hit a huge tower and the U.N. isn't getting very far with an attempt to create a resolution to stop violence there because Bush and Company refuses to allow any resolution that makes Israel get its ass and American made - and provided free of charge to the Israelis, thank you, very much - fire power out of Lebanon.

Humanitarian crises abound there because Israel won't allow ANY aid to go into the country without threat of being treated as "Hezbollah" guerillas.