
Our Government

If you asked me before George W. Bush's presidency if our government needed to be dismantled, etc., I would have said no. That's the Grover Norquist deal to kill all taxation and government intrusion while billionaires just treat the rest of us like serfs.

Now, however, I've come to change my mind. But not through a violent overthrow or coup d'etat or any of those "shock and awe" methods.

Instead, we need to dismantle Washington DC brick by brick AFTER a vote by a 2/3rds majority of Americans (and we're not using those Bushie voting machines, tyvm). But also after 1-2 years of every damned American getting off their couch, turning OFF American Idol, and coming together in town halls and auditoriums and parks to discuss what their representative government must be.

I'm not talking a meeting a year. I'm talking a meeting a week. Isn't a well-functioning government that really IS based on what our founders wanted better than this debauchery we have now? Taxes would freefall AT THE SAME TIME we fund very good public education, health care, efficient rebuilding of the infrastructure, etc.

You see, each one of us will be required to dismantle Washington and each one of us will be required to build it back smaller, FAR more efficient, and run on the same kind of budgets we have to keep as individual Americans.

And the job doesn't end there, of course. Then we have to be there watching the budgets, the decisions, and making our elected representatives vote for individual humans. Look at the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence and show me where the word corporation appears.

No, I'm not corporate unfriendly. We need corporations because they are part of business. But we have allowed them to buy and sell our elected officials for far too long.




Yeah, I know, don't all get in line at once. ;)