
Today Isn't the Day That Will Live in Infamy, But it Hopefully Will Be Remembered

Beginning today, you'll be seeing a concerted effort throughout the progressive blogosphere both to call attention to the evidence that has come forth about the "cooked" Iraq War and to get people motivated to call for.. no... DEMAND a complete investigation. By complete, none of us means one of those cute little commissions Mr. Bush creates and then appoints his friends to lead.

While I'm sure Kissinger (Bush's first choice for the 9-11 commission head) would just love sitting on his ass drinking espresso for nine months before he says Mr. Bush was perfect and there was no "cooking", let's not invite him to do so.

If the war was not a fiction, then no one should worry.

But if - as the evidence strongly suggests - there was a plan in place to attack Iraq that had nothing to do with yellow cake, aluminum tubes, Saddam, etc., we as Americans have the patriotic responsibility of finding this out, having it duly reported, and weigh what else must be done.

We do not have the luxury of choosing to ignore what is finally coming to the surface. The rest of the world knows about this and they hold us - the people who allowed Mr. Bush to return to a second term as president - responsible.

Click here to visit Downing Street Memo.

Click here to visit the After Downing Street Coalition.

Click here to sign the petition demanding an explanation.

Contact your state reps.

How can you help? First, talk about it. Read up on it and share what you learn. Consider writing a letter to the editor of your local paper.

Second, help us not let this be swept under the rug.