
Notice How Frist Came Out and Said Today

"all options are still on the table"

Basically, he's saying that the nuclear option is still there. Of course, he has to say that because Dobson's working the whitey righties up to foaming at the mouth, not a huge distance to travel for some of them. Nor is Frist willing to take any blame.

But it's interesting to watch them go after McCain. Now here's a man who spent a very long time as a POW for a war people like Dick Cheney, Georgie Porgie, Tommy Boy and Billy Boo wouldn't waste their time considering, and yet this same crew is happy to denounce McCain.

My feeling is that McCain is to be respected for his service, appreciated for the sacrifice he made. But he betrays the American people more than he betrays men like Frist, who aren't worthy to lick McCain's shoes.. and McCain is by no means the worst of the lot. But he's inconsistent as all hell; kissing George's tush on a regular basis when there is no reason for a man like McCain to do that. Sometimes, he stands for principles but lots of times, it's really impossible to figure why John does what he does.