
Blogebrity is Definitely Sub-F list

Pharyngula mentions the arrival of Blogebrity, a rather nothing Web site that apparently touts itself as the authority on blogs. What makes them an authority seems rather impossible to discern since most of their site is fushcia-on-black. Period.

This is a blog with just SOOOO much to offer like... well, dividing the blog up to A-list, B-list and C-list. And you should see who gets A List.

If you're heard of them at all - and it's unlikely many names will stand out - it's because these are people you wouldn't want to read. Like Glenn Reynolds aka "the Mickey Kaus of the Hair Club for Men", Michelle Pelikan.. er.. Malkin (pelicans are more attractive and have more brain power), Andrew ("I'm so conflicted but since I have an accent, I'm like waa-aa-y cool") Sullivan, Matt Sludge, Ana Marie ("I don't even bother to blog anymore, that's how famous I am") Cox, and the like.

Now, there were a couple of acceptable A listers whom I would agree are A List material, like Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo (whom I respect so much I'd like to be hired by TPM Cafe, Josh, really ::cough::::cough:: - so much I would be willing to turn down a job well into the 6 figures to take it), Dan Gillmor (whose work I've enjoyed for many years and a few different newspapers), James Wolcott, and Markos Moulitsas (DailyKos). Atrios (Duncan Black) is a required listing there, I suppose - eh, that sounds snarky and it should not. Atrios has been a very valuable resource. I just think it sometimes suffers from "blogebrity" but some of the comments are very good. Likewise, Matt Yglesias and Eric Alterman sort of fall into the same category (again, I respect Eric but I don't read him much anymore and don't even hear many refer to him anymore).

But while they're well known, I would never put Mickey ("They pay me to say I'm a Democrat so I can then call the Dems names with impunity, like Susan Esterhaus") Kaus, Jeff Jarvis, and several of the others there.

The "B" list is really mystifying. LaShawn ("Am I really important yet? Am I? Really? No, I must because they put me on TV on a show that has like 8 viewers... OK, not every day, but I'm black so it's like they get two minorities for the price of one and no, I don't mind selling myself out as a black woman because at least I'm on TV and I contrast real good against that really white woman, Monica.") Barber? I wouldn't let La Yawn copy edit Steve Gilliard's stuff and he barely made the "C" list. Digby also was C list and that's just wrong.