
Sister Cutlass of Reasoned Discussion

That's my new name according to the Unitarian Jihad Name Generator (get yours here). See my post on the Jon Carroll piece from yesterday for details.

I sorta like it. But let's see what happens if I appeal:

    * The Howitzer of Mild Reason (I dunno... that's just not me... I'm at least a snub-nosed pistol)
    * The Sabre of Love and Mercy (sounds a little phallic to me)
    * Sister Nail Gun of Desirable Mindfulness (ok, but can I get a weapon out of the title?)
    * Sibling Hand Grenade of Patience (hmmm...)
    * The Shuriken of Compassion (what the fuck is a shuriken? - loading dictionary - fuck, it's not in the dictionary - is it anything like a shrike? - OK, it's a four-pointed throwing star - also a weapon?)
    * Sister Dagger of All Sides of Looking at a Question (too wussy and also reminds me too much of MacBeth, "Is this a dagger I see before me, its handle toward my hand... come let me clutch thee... I have thee not and yet I see thee still..." - see what I mean? You start quoting Shakespeare randomly in the middle of a Monday and it's time for a visit to the nunnery)
    * Sister Claymore of Sweet Reason (sounds nice but also sounds like I take too many Xanax when it's clear from my personality that I take none)
    * The Katana of Compassion (oh crap, back to the dictionary - OK, this either makes me a motorcycle or premium Japanese warrior sword)
What the fuck. Just call me Kate. And not Sister Kate either.

As I once told the parish priest, "Look, it's Father Kate or I'm going secular."