
For Those of You Haven't Discovered What a Total Nutcase Hal Turner is

From his site (and no, I won't link to it; use Google):

Starve Florida's economy to death like that state did to Terri Schiavo; wreck real estate valuesI will be posting a list of companies in Pinellas Park and Pinellas County Florida to be targeted for economic boycott first, then add companies in areas represented by every state legislator and state senator who opposed helping Terri. When we start bankrupting those areas through economic boycott, the folks there will have a better clue about how they should act in the future! In addition, I will be working closely with real estate agents to begin moving low class blacks, hispanics and registered sex offenders into Pinellas Park Florida to affect property values in that town. See how they like it when I start buying up homes and moving busloads of undesireables into their town. By the time I'm done with that town, it will look like a mix between South Central Los Angeles and Harlem, New York.
I dunno.. I'm thinking advanced stages of syphilis Hal might have picked up from screwing sick alien teens.