
The Drumbeat Against DeLay

While the drumbeat to oust him at least as Majority Leader grows louder and louder, I grow more concerned that we'll just get rid of the public DeLay.

This level of corruption and this level of buying other politicians through the money he can amass took years to develop; years in which DeLay flew beneath the radar. He was a danger then. He's a danger now. He'll be a danger tomorrow, regardless of whatever title is removed from him.

Now, the Rabid Wrongies might go so far as to suggest a man like DeLay should be rubbed out as they've done with everything from OB/GYNs to judges to Clinton. But I don't even want that for a DeLay. The notion that a DeLay should be killed for his beliefs is as reprehensible to me as the idea that a Clinton or a Judge Lefkow (the judge whose husband and mother were killed because she became a target for white supremacists) would be.

However, if DeLay is removed, he has to be removed TOTALLY. Not just gone as Majority Leader. Not just removed from the House. He has to be severed from every form of politics out there (leave him the right to vote but that's it), including fund raising for politicians. And that's going to take a full time crew watching him 30/8, if you get my drift.

Remember, there's a reason they call it the DeLay Machine. It's bigger than DeLay. MUCH bigger. And it threatens the very future of our nation. So symbolic hand slaps are just going to make this snake more angry and likely to target.