
Wonkette's Debate Blog Not Bad Either


    9:04PM: Why don't they just let the candidates pander for a bit, rather than waste time on the first question pandering? Oh wait. . . it's ALL pandering. . .
    9:08PM First "nuisance" bite, Kerry responds with "outsourcing"! Dueling words-made-to-sound-like-they're-bad.
    9:09PM: Kerry is all about killing terrorists. Hunting and KILLING. But will he torture them? Will he rip off their heads and shit down their necks? I just don't think he's sincere.
    9:10PM: For vaccines we relied on ENGLAND!!!!?!?!? Wait, where's Canada and their pretend drugs? Come back Canada!!!
    9:11PM: Awesome: The President hasn't gotten a flu shot. . . because of frivolous lawsuits.
    9:12PM: "A plan is not a litany of complaints." No, a plan is a series oversimplified slogans and focus-grouped sound-bites!
    9:16PM: Bush: "Paygo means. . . you pay. . . and he goes away and spends your money." Oh, god. That's really fucking clever. Pay. . . GO! You pay... he goes. See: You PAY. HE GOES. No, wait, let's break it down. . .
    9:20PM: Kerry: Tony Soprano reference. Someone is going to wake up with John Kerry's head under the covers. . .
    9:24PM: Bush: Whoo! Did he really just say whoo? It's the cheerleader in him.
    9:27PM: Q: Is homosexuality a choice? A: I am not a gay.
    9:29PM: WHAT?!?! Dick Cheney's daughter is a gay!?! Shit. This changes everything.
    9:31PM: BREAKING: John Kerry is Catholic.
    9:32PM: JOHN KENNEDY ALSO CATHOLIC. Coincidence?
    9:34PM: Bush: "Buggy and horse days"? Is he talking about the gays again?
    9: 39PM: Schieffer says that Kerry has a "massive plan." Yes . . . you can tell by the size of his hands.
    9:40PM: Kerry is boring me with his Litany of Health Care Complaints.
    9:43PM: NOTE TO READERS: We saw the foam, too. The voice in Bush's ear told him to wipe it off.
    9:45PM: Kerry is against accepting invitations to disaster; yeah he just RSVPs and then never shows up.
    9:50PM: Bush: "He forgot. . . " (Shit, it's not Poland. . . I know he forgot Poland. . . )
    9:51PM: Shorter Bush: "Nothing bad is my fault."