
Is O'Reilly Out of Batteries?

I caught one of the attorneys for Faux or O'Reilly on CNN and the only impression it left me with is that they are truly desperate.

Apparently, they've decided people were not aghast enough at the fact they purport that the woman suing O'Reilly for sexual harassment wanted $60 million upfront (her lawyer says that was never asked, that this was a figure appearing only in their research to determine how much O'Reilly's enterprises may bring in each year, so they've conflated it to $600 million.

The O'Reillys also insist she was trying to market a book about the case. The problem is that according to reliable other sources, Mrs. Mackris' book is a novel, and doesn't reference the situation at all. In fact, at least one source says the novel (about a younger woman in the big city) was written some time back.

To see this huge wave of lies so early on makes me truly believe O'Reilly must be desperate. What will be interesting to see is if other women come forward since sexual harassment is rarely a one-woman deal (someone who harasses in this manner frequently moves the behavior to any eligible person in their pool). However, perhaps that's behind the lie campaign now: to discourage other women from stepping up to the abuse that morphs from dirty talk from Bill to trash talking about themin the international press. If it were me, I'd be concerned about coming forth just because of what Faux and Company would aim.