
Some Southern Baptists Unhappy With Being Drafted by Bush?

Jeanne at Body and Soul, who I think is one of the most thoughtful and important of the relatively lesser known, lesser populated female bloggers, writes this:

It was bad enough when George Bush asked the pope for a little help on his campaign. The pope didn't slap any Bush/Cheney bumperstickers on the popemobile, but he didn't make a stink about Bush's rudeness either.

But you know they've probably gone too far when the plan to turn churches into campaign headquarters even pisses off the Southern Baptists:
    The Southern Baptist Convention, a conservative denomination closely aligned with President Bush, said it was offended by the Bush-Cheney campaign's effort to use church rosters for campaign purposes.

    "I'm appalled that the Bush-Cheney campaign would intrude on a local congregation in this way," said Richard Land, president of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission.

    "The bottom line is, when a church does it, it's nonpartisan and appropriate. When a campaign does it, it's partisan and inappropriate," he said. "I suspect that this will rub a lot of pastors' fur the wrong way."
George Bush -- insulting Christians everywhere he goes.
In fact, this practice should be offensive to everyone, regardless of faith (or none), regardless of political affiliation (or none), and regardless of their specific feelings about Bush-Cheney. It's one more invasion and occupation.