
23-Yr-Old Newlywed Teacher Arrested for Sex with Eighth Grade Student

Sad shades of Marybeth LeTourneau, the infinite nutcase in this department. This latest woman, an Ocala teacher, supposedly had the boy's cousin drive her SUV around while she had sex with the student.

While I can see differing points of view in many areas where others can't, I just cannot imagine even a woman (or man) so young herself seeking out a sexual relationship with a child. Yes, there seem to be confused kids who seem so desperate for attention that they seem to accept any attention, but I cannot grok any adult acting upon it.

Now, I'm not a disinterested party here. As a child, one who developed early, I got some very unwanted attention in this regard. The first time it happened, I was mad. But when it became more than once and more than one male adult, I did what many kids do: decide that there was something wrong with me that would draw such behavior.

Yet, of course, the problem wasn't with me just as it is not the fault of other children in this situation. Adults have the ability to make choices that children do not. There is no excuse for acting upon such urges.

But we don't handle this issue well. We villify anyone charged with it but our treatment for such behavior, such as it exists, is still in its barbaric infancy (aversion therapy, castration, etc.). Many just want to lock such people up and throw away the key. This does not seem correct. Nor does those who choose to try to kill the assailant even before he or she is found guilty in a court of law.

And we do truly dumb things like wink when the male is the older aggressor and the young woman is close but not at the age of consent but freak when it's a woman. Both, however, are equally wrong. We also have some people who won't listen to children's reporting at all, while others see and hear "adult sexual abuse" and "Satanism" everywhere, getting children to create stories.

That's the really sad part. There is no good news here. The children will be forever changed because of what happened. The perpetrator is almost guaranteed not to get what he or she needs to learn to control the behavior. The public never feels like justice is done. And because there is so much false reporting, ir can be very hard to determine what is true.